PlatON Tips #5 | PlatScan(1)

PlatON Tips #5 | PlatScan(1)

PlatON Tips #5 | PlatScan(1)

PlatON Tips #5 | PlatScan(1)

PlatON Tips #5 | PlatScan(1)

Welcome to PlatON Tips-Episode 5

So on this video, we gonna talk about PlatScan.

PlatScan is a professional blockchain explorer for PlatON networks. Based on the professional in-depth analysis of on-chain data, it provides the community with massive data and versatile data analysis and query functions.

Block explorers are your portal to PlatON’s data. You can use them to see real-time data on blocks, transactions, validators, accounts, and other on-chain activity.

Blockchain is designed to be transparent, anyone can verify the data of blocks. The block explorers provides interface to access these data and visualize them.

Here’s a summary of the types of data you can get from a block explorer:


Every 1 to 2 seconds, a new block produced in PlatON network, newly generated data will continuously add to the block explorer. The block contains many important data, including:

•Block height: The id of the block and the length of the blockchain when the current block creates.

•Timestamp: The time of the block creation.

•Transactions:Transaction numbers contained in this block.

•Block hash: Encrypted hash of the block head, it is the unique identifier of the block.

•Parent hash: The previous block’s hash

•Producer: The name of the validator node that produced this block.

•Block reward: The amount of the LAT that rewarded to the validator node which produced this block.


The block explorer provides transaction data accurate and in detail, it’s very helpful for track transaction progress and checks the detail of the transaction. The transaction data including:

•TxHash: A hash generated when the transaction is submitted.

•Status: An indication of whether the transaction is pending, failed or successful.

•Block Height: The height of the block in which the transaction has been included.

•Timestamp: The time this transaction included in a block, it’s also the time this transaction gets confirmed.

•From: The address of the account that submitted the transaction.

•To: The address of the recipient or smart contract that the transaction interacts with.

•Amount: A total number of LAT being transferred.

•Transaction fee: The amount paid to the validator to process the transaction.


There’s a lot of data that you can access about an account. This is why it’s often recommended to use multiple accounts so that your assets and value can’t be easily tracked. There are also some solutions being developed to make transactions and account activity more private. But here’s the data that’s available for accounts:

•Address: The public address you can use to send funds to.

•Balance: The amount of available LAT associated with the account.

•Locked-up balance: The amount of unavailable LAT associated with the account.

•Stakes/Delegations: The amount of staked/delegated LAT associated with the account.

•Unclaimed Reward: The amount of reward can be claimed by the account from the delegation in which the account participated.

•Unredeemed delegation: The amount of LAT need to be redeemed when the delegation relationship dissolved.

•Transactions: A list of all the transactions where this account was either the sender or the recipient.

•PRC20 Tokens: The information of the PRC20 tokens associated with the account.

•Delegations: The records of delegations associated with the account.

•Reward details: The records of the rewards claimed by the account.


Tokens are a type of contract, compared to other contracts, token has value and can be traded:

•Total supply: The number of tokens in circulation.

•Contract address: The address of the token that was deployed to mainnet.

•Decimals: PRC20 tokens are divisible and have decimal places.

•Transfers: The number of times the token has been transferred between accounts.

•Holders: The number of addresses that hold the token.


By data provide by block explorer, you can intuitive understanding the network status and the status of network economy base on PPOS mechanism.

•Total transactions: The number of transactions since PlatON network was created.

•TPS: The number of transactions processable within a second.

•Circulation: The amount of tradable LAT currently circulate in the network.

•Total supply – Number of LAT in circulation – new LAT is created with the creation of every block and every epoch complete.

•Total stakes: The amount of LAT staked by nodes participating validation in the network.

•Addresses: The number of addresses with transactions history in PlatON network.

•Ongoing proposal: The ongoing governance proposal in PlatON network.


Validator take responsibility to create and validate the block.

•Total stakes: The amount of LAT staked by validator and delegators.

•Total delegated: The amount of delegated LAT received by the validator.

•Delegators: The number of addresses delegating LAT to the validator.

•Validator annualized yield: Estimated annualized yield base on most recent 4 epochs.

•Delegated annualized yield: Estimated annualized yield base on most recent 4 epochs.

•Status: The status of the validator

Active: The top 201 nodes can participate in validators election, they also called alternative validator.

Candidate: Candidate nodes that can not participate in validators election.

Verifying: Node chosen to become the validator of the consensus round, participating block verifying.

Producing: Node chosen to become the validator of the consensus round, participating block producing.

Thank you for watching this video, follow me and take you to learn more about PlatON’s tips! See you next one!


上一篇 9 1 月, 2022 23:34
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