PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

PlatON, initiated and driven by the LatticeX Foundation, is a next-generation Internet infrastructure protocol based on the fundamental properties of blockchain and supported by the privacy-preserving computation network. “Computing interoperability” is its core feature. By building a computing system assembled by Verifiable Computation, Secure Multi-Party Computation, Zero-Knowledge Proof, Homomorphic Encryption and other cryptographic algorithms and blockchain technology, PlatON provides a public infrastructure in open source architecture for global artificial intelligence, distributed application developers, data providers and various organizations, communities and individuals with computing needs.

🌕Technology Advances


  1. Version 1.1.1 of the PlatON underlying network, currently completing development testing and scheduled to be released online in mid-November.
  2. Version 1.1.0 of the mobile wallet ATON, currently completing development testing and scheduled to be released online in early November; version 1.2.0 is under development.
  3. Version 1.1.1 of PlatScan, currently in testing, planned to be released online with PlatON base layer version 1.1.1 in mid-November.
  4. Version 1.1.1 of the node management tool, currently completing development testing and scheduled to go live with the PlatON Base 1.1.1 release in mid-November.


  1. Version 0.16.1 of the Alaya underlay, fully compatible with the Ethernet address format, currently completing development testing, scheduled to be released online in mid-November.
  2. Version 0.16.1 of AlayaScan, currently in testing and scheduled to go live with the release of version 0.16.1 of Alaya Underlay in early November.
  3. Version 0.16.2 of the node management tool, currently completing development testing and planned to be released online with Alaya Base Layer version 0.16.1 in November.Hardware Wallet

Hardware Wallet

Completed development of Ledger Hardware Wallet for PlatON (LAT) 1.0, and have submitted an application to Ledger for shelving. Ledger 2.0 is under development and will mainly support commission and pledge functions.

🌕Technology Development Ecology

01 Continuous recruitment of outstanding developers from home and abroad to encourage participation in PlatON/Alaya open source technology work

The PlatON Developer Bounty campaign is ongoing, thanks to the support of 10 outstanding open source contributors. For more information, see.

PlatON/Alaya Ethernet compatible version community validation event (Phase 1) is hot and open for registration at

02 PlatON 2.0 White Paper Explained and Shared

A peek at the PlatON White Paper 2.0 technical perspective on its future path — PlatON White Paper Explained at

PlatON 2.0 White Paper — From Secure Multiparty Computing MPC:

03 Continuous output of developer tutorials for the wider communityEthiopia DApp Quick Migration Tutorial

Ethernet DApp Quick Migration Tutorial:

🌕Market Operations Ecology

01 PlatON 2.0 sets sail with triple benefits: $3,999 worth of Wanxiang Blockchain Summit tickets and 10,000 LAT rewards

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

The annual Wanxiang Blockchain Summit will be held in Shanghai on 26 October 2021. The PlatON Chinese Community with PlatON Ambassadors brings three exclusive benefits to the community by writing white paper interpretation articles, forwarding likes or participating in a quick question and answer session in the Chinese Telegraph group. The event was very well received and produced a number of excellent readings.

Link to the event:


PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

Overall Prizes : 1500 LAT for 50 winners

The Winner list will be announced on Nov.1st

The reward will be issued on Nov.15th

Giveaway URL:

03 PlatON was invited to join blockster

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

On October 24, PlatON was invited to join blockster, a European blockchain platform, and formally entered into a partnership.
The two parties will then cooperate in various aspects such as social media and data technology to further enrich PlatON’s ecological applications.

Event Detail:

🌕Featured Articles

PlatON Tech-Column | PlatON Automated Testing Of Smart Contracts

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

Essentially, a smart contract is a piece of program that automates the processing of traditional contracts in the form of computer instructions. Simply put, a smart contract is a piece of code that triggers the execution of a transaction between two parties on a blockchain asset, and this code is the smart contract. So here are a few questions to explain our smart contract testing at PlatON.


2. PlatON Launches Hackathon PLUS, with $1 Million Dollar Project Incentives!

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

Hackathon PLUS will provide additional 1-million-dollar project incentives for the first batch of 31 hackathon project teams that participated in the ecosystem construction, as a gesture to encourage further development, research, and launch on PlatON, continued contributions to the testing of the PlatON Ethereum-compatible version, as well as the deployment of its test network to expand the PlatON ecosystem’s global presence.


3. Community Verification Event for the Ethereum-compatible Version of PlatON and Alaya officially opens.

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 2021.10.31| PlatON is compatible with the ethereum ecosystem; “Hackathon PLUS” launched

In a recent update of technical progress, the privacy-preserving AI network PlatON said that the new version of the network’s underlying technologies will be fully compatible with the Ethereum ecosystem, enabling the seamless connection between the two networks. The Alaya mainnet’s Sojourner upgrade will be launched on November 2, while the PlatON mainnet’s Copernicus upgrade will be activated on November 16. Both upgrades aim to lower the development threshold for community developers who wish to contribute to the building of the PlatON network and improve the development experience.


🌕Ecological Progress — Privacy Computing

R&D Progress

Moirae V0.1.0.

Support for multi-node workflow functionality complete

Workflows add the ability to enter model features to complete

Linking with Metis task module main flow through

🌕Ecological Progress — Grants

01 PlatEye Blockchain Browser

Progress: DApp shop front-end and back-end interfacing completed, ready for official launch. Contract source code upload and comparison function completed, list of recently open sourced contracts listed. Contract internal state data display module completed, front-end and back-end interfacing in progress. Translation work is 90% complete (the remaining pages under development have not been translated).

02 Lato-NFT with threshold signature and NFT auction support

Progress: It has entered the trial run phase and will be optimized and improved for various issues during the trial run.

03 Synthetic assets project: Pumo

Progress: Evolution to introduce NFT in Pumo, specific proposal under negotiation.
Demo address.

🌕Ecological Progress —

On 18 October, Mr. Lin Yao, CEO of and Mr. Liu Haoxin, Managing Director of Ensign Technology, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on joint innovation of 5G IoT and blockchain at the second meeting of the Shenzhen-Singapore Smart City Cooperation Joint Executive Committee.

On the morning of 22 October 2021, the second council meeting of China Unicom IoT Industry Alliance was successfully held in Wuxi, and was successfully elected as a council member of the Alliance.🌕

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