From the unknown to the known, it will take you to understand the mystery of PlatON’s distributed economic model and private computing.

11 posts

The Metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space,

including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality, and the Internet.

1 posts

From the unknown to the known, it will take you to understand the mystery of PlatON’s distributed economic model and private computing.

6 posts

PlatON/Alaya will build a decentralized privacy protection infrastructure based on Zero Knowledge Proof (ZKP). However, in most of the existing high-efficiency zero-knowledge algorithms, system parameters need to be created in a centralized manner, and the centralized third party that creates the parameters can forge the certificate, which will destroy the underlying security on PlatON/Alaya. The meaning of Lumino is to jointly generate the system parameters of the zero-knowledge proof algorithm through secure multi-party calculations.

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