Daily View | Tuesday January 04

The following contents are organized and provided by PlatONWorld to spread more information and not represent the position of PlatONWorld. The contents are from third-party platforms, and the accuracy, authenticity, completeness, validity, and real-time nature of the information are not guaranteed.


Total issuanceCirculationPledge rateTotal pledgeNumber of addresses
10,250,000,000 2,275,490,000 26.96% 1,257,672,370.40 66,532
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/


Trading pair24 hours high24 hours low24-hour trading volume
LAT/USDT 0.1336 0.1237 1,403,375
BTC/USDT 47578.86 45696.96 8,291
ETH/USDT 3852.00 3681.34 59,111
Data source: Huobi Exchange

【10 days node data】

January 04201174127
January 03201174127
January 02 201 17 4 127
January 01 201 18 4 127
December 31,2021201184127
December 30 ,2021201174127
December 29 ,2021 201173127
December 28 ,2021 201 17 4 126
December 27 ,2021 201174126
December 26 ,2021 201174126
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/

【Industry News】

JVR Music Statement: Jay Chou has Nothing to do with “Phantom Bear” NFT

Golden Finance reported that on January 3, Javier music released a statement on its microblog that “recently, the outside world mistakenly thought that the” phantom bear “NFT jointly launched by Phantaci and a website was related to Jay Chou. We stressed that this business behavior has nothing to do with Jay Chou! Nor is Jay Chou launching NFT! Jay Chou only received the “phantom bear” NFT as a gift from Phantaci and was happy with the successful sales of the product. However, Jay Chou has never participated in any planning and operation of the project and has not obtained any income. It is hereby explained. ” It is reported that JVR is a personal entertainment Co., Ltd. founded by Jay Chou in 2007.

South Korean Presidential Candidates Announced that They would Use NFT to Raise Funds for the Campaign

According to cointegraph on January 4, the main candidate for the president of South Korea announced a fund-raising activity based on NFT. It is reported that Li Zaiming, the candidate of the Democratic Party in the 2022 presidential election, will provide NFT to the donors of his campaign, although he was worried earlier that such fund-raising activities may violate the political fund law or the public officer election law. It is reported that donors will receive NFT, including Li Zaiming’s photos and its policy list as souvenirs. Li’s campaign team said it was the first time in the world to use NFT to finance the national presidential campaign.

Daily View | Tuesday January 04


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