Daily View | Thursday May 26

The following contents are organized and provided by PlatONWorld to spread more information and not represent the position of PlatONWorld. The contents are from third-party platforms, and the accuracy, authenticity, completeness, validity, and real-time nature of the information are not guaranteed.


Total issuanceCirculationPledge rateTotal pledgeNumber of addresses
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/


Trading pair24 hours high24 hours low24-hour trading volume
Data source: Huobi Exchange

【10 days node data】

May 26201204147
May 25201204147
May 24201213147
May 23201213147
May 22201213147
May 21201222147
May 20201222147
May 19201222147
May 18201222147
May 17201222147
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/

【Industry News】

Kongregate and ImmutableX Launch $40 Million Chain Game Development Fund

MMO platform Kongregate and blockchain game developer ImmutableX have announced a $40 million fund that includes a pool of IMX tokens that will be awarded as grants for blockchain game integrations on Kongregate.com. Kongregate will relaunch later this year as the premier destination for blockchain games from established and independent developers as well as the next generation of gamers . (prnewswire)

Mirror Introduces the Ability to Mint Articles as NFTs

On May 26th, Mirror, a decentralized content publishing platform, announced the launch of the feature of minting articles as NFTs, and also launched the article NFT trading leaderboard and collector profile page. Once an author has cast an article as an NFT, users can buy the NFT by clicking “Collect” on the article page.(Golden Finance)

Daily View | Thursday May 26


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