Daily View | Thursday July 28

The following contents are organized and provided by PlatONWorld to spread more information and not represent the position of PlatONWorld. The contents are from third-party platforms, and the accuracy, authenticity, completeness, validity, and real-time nature of the information are not guaranteed.


Total issuanceCirculationPledge rateTotal pledgeNumber of addresses
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/


Trading pair24 hours high24 hours low24-hour trading volume
Data source: Huobi Exchange

【10 days node data】

July 28201175158
July 27201155156
July 26201155158
July 25201164158
July 24201175156
July 23201175156
July 22201175156
July 21201165156
July 20201155156
July 19201155156
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/

【Industry News】

Digital asset data provider Amberdata has supported Avalanche

July 28 – Digital asset data provider Amberdata has supported Avalanche, enabling institutional investors to view factual data on Avalanche across wallets, assets and protocols, determine the performance of assets and liquidity pools in protocols and manage their own assets.

DeHealth and Chainlink Partner to Protect and Tokenize Users’ Private Medical Data Information

July 28 – DeHealth announced a partnership with Chainlink to accelerate the growth of the DeHealth ecosystem and protect users’ private medical data information. chainlink will help DeHealth build a secure, reliable and scalable DeHealth dApp and decentralized data storage on a private EVM-based blockchain DHLT network. By combining Chainlink’s decentralized prophecy machine with the DHLT network, it provides a consistent and secure source of market data for smart contracts. (news.yahoo)

Daily View | Thursday July 28


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