Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!


The following are my personal opinions and do not represent investment suggestions.

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Before dawn of June 20th , I was going to sort out a special column’ plan of PlatONWorld,

But I was interrupted by the group news of LAT price rising, I thought which big boss is establishing a position.

As a Buddhist player, I do not care about the token price so much. But today’s news let me know that PlatON will have a expected future!

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

——HashKey got Japanese license——

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

Original address:

According to the content of this article, HashKey, Coinbase and other three enterprises have obtained the business licenses of  Japanese encryption assets, and it linked the brief introduction of every enterprises. JVCEA is worthy to mention  (Japan virtual currency exchange association). it is a financial commodity trade association certified by Japan financial agency. JVCEA is an official self regulatory organization in Japan’s local cryptocurrency industry, and it recruits a third company to register as its second class member.

I caught smell of “layout” from this news

——The top players of HashKey blockchain——

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

Many people do not know much about HashKey, which is related to its low-key style (PlatON is also keep”low-key” style in China).But for Dr. Xiao, users who have accessed to blockchain should have heard about it. Because of his early planning, WanXiang blockchain and HashKey are on the stage at the same time.

In addition, Michel Lee, chief executive of HashKey, has 25 years of investment banking experience. He has worked for UBS Investment Banks in London, Tokyo, Beijing and Hong Kong, and has led more than 100 large-scale financing and M & a business projects. Most of the management teams are from UBS, BNP Paribas, ant financial services, HSBC, JPMorgan Chase and other head financial or technology companies.

In terms of business layout, HashKey Hub is the C-end user entrance of all its products,at present, the Stacking service on Hub is provided by HashQuark, and the aggregation trading service is provided by HashKey Trading. In the future, there will be a new entrances to the digital asset trading platform HashKey Pro and the blockchain fund HashKey capital with a scale of over 100 million US dollars. The HashKey group which has established this set of blockchain ecological architecture, it defines itself as “the Oriental Coinbase”.

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

HashKey is the abbreviation of HashKey Group. It has a number of products, including HashKey Hub, which is a blockchainentrance- digital asset wallet  for ordinary users; HashQuark is a professional service provider which provides technical and ecological support for high-quality project Stacking services;HashKey Capital is a low-key but luxurious top investment institution with a management amount of over 100 million yuan; HashKey Pro is a digital asset trading platform.

——Two Aspects of One Body——

HashKey Capital has been listed as an investor in the first round of financing of PlatON, which is well known to many people who are familiar with the project.

Generally speaking, it means “one father has two sons”.

Looking at this layout from a global perspective, only Wanxiang blockchain can link one track to another with such a steady pace.

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

—— The foresight of “compliance”——

I briefly sort out a few personal views:

Firstly, HashKey and PlatON has relationship as invest and is invested , and brother enterprise relationships.

The projects you can see in the blockchain industry, they are the stable head,  then tilt resources to develop sub businesses; Or “finding father” to distribute resources after chose the track of the project. But there are no many enterprises with full-scale development in the layout with multi tracks.

Secondly, HashKey obtained the Japanese cryptocurrency business license,  that means PlatON ecological partner and investor has regional compliance.

What is the concept of LAT / JPY trading pair once it is opened? Just like Chinese old women buy New OTC, a large number of users will come into contact with LATt. This is the impact of compliance.

In addition, HashKey’s next series of operations will have opportunities to contact with the PlatON’s project, such as DeFi.

Thirdly, PlatON will focus on overseas markets, and Japan will be one of the important markets for compliance development.

Many Chinese community users do not understand the vision and methods of compliance of PlatON’s project. Therefore, after the main network of PlatON got online, the community users have some doubts about the token price and the popularity of the project. However, in terms of compliance requirements, overseas markets for compliant trading of encrypted assets will be the basis for the outbreak of the project. So the next compliance was is still very long-term, but it is worthy to insist to.

——Extended reading – Privacy Dex——

Decentralized exchange (DEX) will be the most important infrastructure of blockchain ecology, and the next breakout point of blockchain technology application.

Furthermore, I quoted some viewpoints of LoopRing to provide you with Extended reading, and pay attention to the next cooperation mode and possibility between PlatON and HashKey.

The quotation is a concise part. Please refer to it for full reading. Original address:

DEX has gone through three technical stages. I believe PlatON and HashKey will spark at the third stage.

The first stage:

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

*The first stage is the visualization of Technology (the box represents the public chain and the asterisk represents all DEX logic)

The first stage of technology has several characteristics. First of all, it’s very simple. EtherDelta is the representative of this technology on Ethereum . Its main contract only has more than 300 lines of code.In addition, it does not have any off chain system to assist, and all the logic runs on the blockchain. Therefore, it has the same degree of decentralization as the main network of Ethereum, and its security is highly consistent with that of Ethereum ( it is based on the premise that the smart contract has no security loopholes).In addition, it also has another theoretical advantage, it can gather all the liquidity of the whole network. But in practical application,  this advantage just work things out on paper. In fact there is no use at all.

The fatal technical disadvantage of the first stage is that the throughput is too low, but the cost is too high. The reason is obvious: the submission and cancellation of each order consume one Ethereum transaction.In the transaction of order submission, order matching should also be triggered. If an order happens to match one or more rival orders, it is necessary to clear the settlement, record the transaction history, and make internal transfer;If the order cannot match any rival order, it needs to be written into the order book. In short, there is too much logic at the level of smart contracts, and code optimization of any contract is just a drop in the bucket.

The second stage:

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

*The first stage is the visualization of Technology(The double arrow indicates clearing and settlement, and the ring represents the relay system outside the chain)

In theory, the second stage of DEX products can still gather all the orders of the whole network, but the order management and association are completed in the centralized system, so it is no longer a “decentralized” exchange.However, the developers and communities still classify this technology as decentralized technology. There are two main reasons. Firstly, the assets of user transactions are still in the user’s own address. So from the perspective of asset security, it is still “decentralized”, which is consistent with the security of Ethereum; Secondly, that users’ orders can be matched by multiple relays at the same time, so the liquidity can be decentralized and shared. A more accurate description of the technology and products at this stage should be the technology of “non managed centralization exchange”. However, no one in the industry is entangled in this point. Moreover, from the perspective of the market, the continuous use of the same term is easier to be accepted by the non-technical community.

The third stage:

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!

*The first stage is the visualization of Technology(P stands for a proof of trusted computing , and tree stands for state tree of out of chain world)

“Trusted computing “ is the core of the third stage technology

There is no precise definition of “trusted computing” here. LoopRing wants to emphasize a key point of the third stage technology through this relatively easy to understand concept.At present, there are mainly two ways to achieve the Trusted computing: the first is through hardware, using the Trusted Execution Environment (or TEE, sometimes it also called Enclave ) in CPU. This implementation is essentially based on the trust chain, and the top of the trust chain is the CPU manufacturer. The second one is achieved by the proof of zero knowledge  (Zero-Knowledge Proofs,or it is called ZKP) . It’s a technology based on mathematics that doesn’t require trust.

——The End——

Till here, if you continue to pay attention to the PlatON’s project, is there a sense of deja vu. I will not over describe the technical solution of DEX, because I am still learning. I will share with you my experience in the future.

I also noticed there is a PlatON enthusiast in the group who compiled a list of the current private tracks on the market, which is also reproduced at the end of this post. Thanks to this user for sharing the content in PlatONn Chinese community.

Viewpoint|“Compliance” layout, Reasons for the price increase of LAT!
* Chart from Mr. Wang, Chinese community of PlatON

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每日速览 | 06月17日 星期四

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