Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world’s leading Privacy-Preserving AI network

Author : Haolan
The following content is a personal opinion and does not represent investment advice.
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Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network
Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network


Recently, there is a habitual “collective no speaking”.whether it is the policy guidance of the domestic blockchain industry, or various transaction pairs have opened a “declining channel”, giving everyone more reasons to reflect on previous wrong decisions .

This point of view will combine recent market experience and PlatON’s new white paper outline “Decentralized Privacy-Preserving AI Networ 2.0” to elaborate on the three content directions of the industry environment, PlatON’s new white paper outline, and investment mentality.

At the time of publication, PlatON’s new white paper outline “Decentralized Privacy-Preserving AI Networ 2.0” has been released.And the deployment of Platon in the next stage can be seen at a glance.The outline describes the technical architecture and deployment of PlatON in the new stage, and more mentions privacy computing and AI. It can be seen that this is a big step iteration.

The PPT of PlatON’s new white paper outline:

  • The disappeared project party

In June, the Bitcoin mining aera was collectively cut off, the central bank asked to cut off the virtual currency transaction payment chain and other policy guidance, so that most practitioners recalled 9.4. The specific details will not be described too much, and the interested friends can search for “coin circle 9.4” to review the history by themselves.

At the same time, most projects have turned on “silent mode”.

PlatON is not an exception, even is “power saving mode”.

Many people don’t understand PlatON, and words such as “low Project” and “banker smashing the market” appear frequently. In the final analysis, it is because the currency price did not meet the expectations of most secondary market users,which led to the love change to hate, and even till kill.

Some people with much experience of the token circle have made some comments on the regulation. In China, if there is no supervision, more people will fall into the abyss because of the “cognition” gap. Supervision means that the rules of the game will be born on this track, that is compliance.

PlatON has always taken “compliance” as the primary prerequisite, and then empowered it based on blockchain technology. More than 90% of PlatON fans clearly know this premise, and even use this premise as the only reason for participating in the project. However, under the high pressure of the policy, PlatON chose the “power saving mode” as everyone’s common goal.

In my personal opinion, turning on “power saving mode” includes but not limited to the following reasons:

  1. The industry status and academic height of Wanxiang and Dr. Xiao are domestic benchmarks. The high popularity makes all the things produced have two sides, one is “tap water”, and the other is “evil-minded”.
  2. The importance of compliance. This is not a reason for prevarication, but a causal relationship behind high visibility.
  3. Perfecting the brand culture and show it in a way that the public can understand. The friends who can understand the brand culture, please cherish the original intention of projects in the blockchain industry.
  4. High-pressure policy. Too much talking is not helpful, you can imagine by yourself.

On the other hand, as a domestic public chain, PlatON can stand on the world stage, research the future technology track, and export its brand value step by step as a leader. As a participant, we should be proud!

Shouldn’t “Made in China”, “Chinese public chain”, “world-class privacy computing leader”, etc. be the true portrayal and label of PlatON?

Highly Bisque: The project team is always there! Different from what mentality you use to treat it.

  • Privacy AI Network of PlatON

PlatON’s new white paper outline “Decentralized Privacy-Preserving AI Networ 2.0” once again defines what is PlatON . So, the team is working, everyone should wait patiently!

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

The full text is 16P, let me analyze it one by one.

P1:Evolution of the Web

The content explains the evolution direction and characteristics of WEB 1.0-WEB 3.0-WEB X.0 in terms of “information connectivity” and “social connectivity”. It is worth noting that PlatON stays at a higher level WEB X.0 section, PlatON will also focus on the future, because the features of WEB 3.0 are what PlatON already has.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P2:Market Capilazation of the Web

The content is a display of data on the capitalization of the online market. The data source is from ARK INVEST (Ark Investment, full name Ark Investment Management Co., Ltd., is an asset management company headquartered in New York, USA. In short, it is very powerful!). AI (artificial intelligence) can grow a total industry market value of nearly US$30 trillion in the next 16 years, and the PlatON privacy AI network will also shine in this field.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P3:Size And Security of the Global Data

The content is to show the size and security of the global data of the past and future network market capitalization. The data source is IDC’s Data Age 2025 Study (International Data is a US company engaged in market research, analysis and consulting, focusing on information Technology, telecommunications and consumer technology. IDC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of International Data Corporation). The data shows that as the amount of data increases in the future, the data that needs to be protected will show a substantial upward trend, and the demand market will become larger.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P4:Problems and Solutio

The content is to describe how to sort out and solve the problems that the current network and AI frequently find.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P5:What is PlatON

The content is to describe that PlatON will be the evolutionary road from Web 3.0 to WebX.0 AGI (Artificial Intelligence for General Use).

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P6:The Privacy-Preserving AI Network

The content is to describe the technical architecture and core content of Layer1-Layer2-Layer3 of the network.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P7:The Stack Of Privacy-Preserving AI Network

Honestly, I didn’t understand this article. Looking at the picture, I feel that PlatON’s Privacy-Preserving AI network has the ability and business penetration in Layer3. (Technical friends are welcome to correct me)

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P8:Competitive Landscap

The content is to express the advantages of other competitors of public chain and private track. It’s too technical for me to interpret.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P9:Competitive Advantage

The content lists the major competitive advantages of PlatON’s Privacy-Preserving AI network.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P10-P12:Related content of the technology

It is too technical, if you are interested in and want to know more about it that you can check it by yourself.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network
Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network
Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P13:Privacy-Preserving AI Service Platform

The content describes the planning and operation of the AI service platform.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P14:Application Ecosystem

The content describes PlatON’s role and permeable business scope in the future global business ecosystem.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P15:Research Team and Results

The content describes the research team and results established by PlatON, as well as the research funding and cooperation projects.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

P16:Milestone and Roadmap

ROADMAP can be described as the basic item of the blockchain project. We look forward to the privacy Dex and privacy computing network in October this year, and the artificial intelligence market and collaborative artificial intelligence network in next year.

Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

In general, the new version of PlatON’s white paper outline “Decentralized Privacy-Preserving AI Networ 2.0” provides a powerful interpretation of the development of the PlatON project. Looking forward to!

  • Betting game?

Mentioning “long-termism” once again, PlatONWorld is a gathering place for long-termists. As a team that has passed through 3 bull market and bear market , we should rationally compare and select high-quality investment varieties to assist ecological construction, and leave the rest to time.

In the blockchain industry, every investment you make is a “betting game.” just as its name implies, you can easily understand every variety in the betting game. But the shaking boss, you never know whether it contains mercury or magnets.

Besides, will you think about whose place it is?

No matter banker or Leopard,all will be killed.

Too many places, too difficult to choose.

It’s not easy to have a clear and open high-end market. People dare not bet on it. They think that the tea is not good,then cut off and leave the market.

Regarding investment, fans of the PlatON project may not have gained anything in just 2 months, but please note that it is only just 2 months now.

latONWorld — the base of PlatON ecological long-termists!

Welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to PlatONWorld!

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Viewpoint | There is only one step between you and the world's leading  Privacy-Preserving AI network

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