[Guest Profile] Chen Yu, the President and Co-founder of YeePay, to Attend Global Payment in Web3

Chen Yu, the President and Co-founder of YeePay, has confirmed that he will attend Global Payment in Web3 and deliver a speech at this themed forum hosted by digital public infrastructure PlatON on the afternoon of April 13th, 2023.

[Guest Profile] Chen Yu, the President and Co-founder of YeePay, to Attend Global Payment in Web3

Chen Yu is the President and Co-founder of YeePay – a leading one-stop e-payment service provider in China. Chen is the best-selling author of <Into the Future: Internet Makers and Their World> and <Metaverse Token>. Chen has more than 25 years of expertise in enterprise software, Internet applications and FinTech.

Before founding YeePay, Chen worked as a principal product manager at Oracle Corporation in the US, where he was responsible for product management, marketing and strategic alliances for Oracle application server and Internet/E-commerce solutions. Chen formerly held various positions at John Deere Health Care and AT&T Bell Labs. He also served as a director at Silicon Valley based enterprise named SVC Wireless. Chen co-founded “NetVan” – a non-profit initiative dedicated to promoting Internet adoption in traditional industries.

Chen served as an advisor to China Central Television’s 10-part feature documentary “The Internet Age”, in which he interviewed numerous tech leaders including Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman, Jerry Yang, Vint Cerf and Kevin Kelly. Chen got his MSc in Computer Sciense from the Illinois Institute of Technology, his BSc in Computer Sciense from Beijing University, and his EMBA from the PBC School of Finance in Tsinghua University.

About “Global Payment in Web3” Forum:

With the rapid development of blockchain technology and the digital economy, blockchain payment, as an emerging payment method, has stimulated wide attention and research efforts. While bringing revolutionary changes to the global payment system, blockchain payment has also injected great vitality into the financial industry. Globally, blockchain payment has been widely used in fields including cross-border payment, and is becoming a major driving force for the digital economy.

Global Payment in Web 3, a major sub-event of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023, has invited big-name guests from around the world to share their research results and good practices and discuss the technical challenges, business models, compliance and other related issues of payment in Web3. Through thought-provoking discussions between guests from different backgrounds such as the banking industry, acquiring institutions, issuing institutions, and the gaming industry, the forum will explore whether new payment standards based on blockchain ledgers and Payment Tokens will transform our definition of “money”.

For more details, please visit www.web3festival.org.

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