PlatON always likes bringing the tech insight and latest innovation to all concerned. Therefore, our CTO, James Qu, joined Incrypted Asia 2021 on April 30th, sharing his view into blockchain finance and privacy.

During the speech, James mainly introduced the trusted technology in the digital era,explaining the details of its trading, risks and regulations.

He also briefed global industry peers on the swift development of the AI Network PlatON whose mainnet just launched yesterday. James explained PlatON’s unique technical features in Secure Multi-Party Computing, Zero-Knowledge Proof, and blockchain technology, and shared the successful case study of digital asset custody and structured products.
Incrypted Asia 2021 witnesses biggest names in the crypto/blockchain industry that are united and invited for the purpose of connecting, communicating, collaborating for business beyond boundaries. As the first speaker, James’ speech received great support and recognition. With the mainnet launch, PlatON will further the steps to connect with users and developers. Stick around for more exciting news!
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