Welcome to Join Lumino

LatticeX Foundation launches Lumino ceremony, a 60-day Multi-Party Computation, and will provide 40 Google Cloud Machine resources to Lumino participants!Read the feature to Join Lumino!

Welcome to Join Lumino

We welcome all the crypto enthusiasts to join Lumino. From June 21 to August 20, a 60-day Multi-Party Computation will be scheduled to produce secure parameters for PlatON, Alaya, and other zero-knowledge proofs based decentralized infrastructures. Lumino is a sequential computation by involving as many people as possible to contribute their randomnesses in turn. The result is mathematically guaranteed if at least one person behaves honestly.

As LatticeX foundation, we will reserve around 40 google cloud machines for Lumino participants. By following a first-come-first-serve (FCFS) strategy, applicants can indicate their interest to use the google cloud machine in the registration email. We will notify you with instructions via a follow-up email once the application is confirmed. To be more clear, LatticeX is a resource provider merely to maintain a limited number of google cloud projects. And LatticeX will allocate the confirmed user, for instance, YOU, as the unique project owner, who can freely create cloud machines within the project space. On the other hand, LatticeX is not able to technically access the cloud machine created by you.

Lumino server starts on June 21st, 10 am UTC/GMT +8. The confirmed participants can download our MPC software to generate the randomized parameters that will be mathematically integrated into the final result and destroyed locally to secure the ceremony. To make the process more publicly verifiable and transparent, fingerprints of the computations will be recorded in Alaya network.

The computation carried out by a single participant takes around 1–10 hours, depending on the machine configuration. A successful computation shall be completed within 15 hours including a verification performed by the Lumino server.

How to Join Lumino?

You are welcome to join this activity by simply sending a registration email to the LatticeX Foundation (lumino@latticex.foundation). Within in the email, please indicate your name (optional), your Alaya network address, your corresponding address (optional), Which group (BN254 or BLS12–381) would you like to join (or both), and whether you would like to apply for google cloud resource incentives.

For all the succeeded participants during the computation, we sincerely thanks you for your contribution and we will send you a small gift as our appreciation.

Publisher:PlatONWorld,Please indicate the source for forwarding:https://platonworld.org/?p=3790

上一篇 16 6 月, 2021 14:51
下一篇 17 6 月, 2021 23:47


