[PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 07.01–07.15]Lumino Continues with Underlayer Entering the Testing Stage

[PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 07.01–07.15]Lumino Continues with Underlayer Entering the Testing Stage

PlatON, initiated and driven by the LatticeX Foundation, is a next-generation Internet infrastructure protocol based on the fundamental properties of blockchain and supported by the privacy-preserving computation network. “Computing interoperability” is its core feature. By building a computing system assembled by Verifiable Computation, Secure Multi-Party Computation, Zero-Knowledge Proof, Homomorphic Encryption and other cryptographic algorithms and blockchain technology, PlatON provides a public infrastructure in open source architecture for global artificial intelligence, distributed application developers, data providers and various organizations, communities and individuals with computing needs.

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📕PlatON Tech-Column | PlatON Automatic Testing (1)

[PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 07.01–07.15]Lumino Continues with Underlayer Entering the Testing Stage

Automatic testing generally refers to the test method of replacing manual testing with programs or tools. Compared with manual testing, automatic testing plays a great role in ensuring product quality and shortening test time with higher accuracy and better reusability.

📕Why do we run Lumino?

[PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 07.01–07.15]Lumino Continues with Underlayer Entering the Testing Stage

What is Lumino? “Lumino” is the term of illumination. In PlatON and Alaya networks, Lumino is a Multi-Party Computation Ceremony, for creating the necessary security parameters of the zero-knowledge proof protocols. This article is about why we hold Lumino ceremony.

📕PlatON Tech-Column | PlatON Automatic Testing (2)

[PlatON Bi-Weekly Report 07.01–07.15]Lumino Continues with Underlayer Entering the Testing Stage

Continued from above, This article is about to introduce, Multi-layer Automatic Testing, Principles of Layered Testing, and Application of Automatic Testing.

Technical Progress

Technical Advancement


(1) Underlayer planning of PlatON Version 1.1.0 has completed its joint development with the community and is under testing, which will be released in August;

(2) Mobile wallet ATON is planning for Version 1.1.0 with project design underway, including the following main requirements:

  • Support for the WalletConnect protocol to enable connecting with the DApp by QR code scanning;
  • Support for payment verification with fingerprint / facial recognition;
  • Redirect transaction details to the browser;
  • Time limit for QR codes of hot and cold wallets;
  • Enable the receiving QR codes to set the amount;
  • Optimize the delegating experience: a “Delegate Again” shortcut button is added to each record on the delegate record page; and you can access your delegating details by clicking on the delegated node information to view the node details;
  • Blockchain network out-of-service exception alerts (pop-up box with instructions that can be turned off);
  • Customized assets and favorites lists;
  • Add Epoch countdown;
  • Blur on suspension;
  • Redirect delegating node details to the node details page;
  • Enable the administration console to turn off forced upgrades and modify upgrade information.

In addition, the requirements of the ATON Version 1.0.2 have completed development and is under testing, which will be released in August;

(3) The requirements of the PlatScan Version 1.0.2 have been completed development and is scheduled to release in August;

(4) Mtool Version 1.1.0, which corresponds to the PlatON underlayer version 1.1.0, mainly aims at solving the problem of passing in the gasPrice. The version’s development has been completed and is under testing, which is going to be released together with the underlayer version.

| Alaya

(1) Underlayer planning of PlatON Version 0.16.0 has completed development and is under testing, which will be released by the end of July;

(2) The requirements of the planned version of the Blockchain browser AlayaScan have completed development and is under testing, which is going to be released together with the underlayer version 0.16.0;

(3) Mtool Version 0.16.0, which corresponds to the Alaya underlayer version 0.16.0, mainly aims at solving the problem of passing in the gasPrice. The version’s development has completed and is under testing, which is going to be released together with the underlayer version.

| Hardware Wallet

The pre-research of the Ledger hardware wallet has been launched, which mainly includes the APP-adapted PlatON (LAT) and Alaya (ATP). We are seeking community comments on specific product plans.

Technical Development Group

01 We continue to recruit skilled developers from home and abroad, and encourage participation in the technical open source of PlatON/Alaya

a. We are recruiting community developer ambassadors to write developer tutorials and participate in community education (Workshop). Interested talents are welcome to apply by mail at: developer@latticex.foundation

b. PlatON Ruby SDK community testingBounty task rewards are open to claim: https://forum.latticex.foundation/t/topic/5149/3

02 Continue to provide the community with technical contents

Lumino Ceremony Technical Analysis (1) — — Oval Curve: https://forum.latticex.foundation/t/topic/5278

Ecological Progress — — Distributed Finance

Privacy DEX V2.0:

Lumino’s related validation contracts have been integrated into the underlayer branch of the Alaya

Process details and issues have been sorted out

On-Chain Privacy:

zk DSL language virtual machine survey: leo survey document has been completed

Privacy AI:

the requirements are in discussion and design in progress

Ecological Progress — — Grants

01 PlatON and Polkadot Cross-Chain Platform PlatDot

Progress: witness version adaptation and upgrade completed after the network update of Kusama and Polkadot.

02 PlatEye Blockchain Browser

Progress: Milestone3 completed 40% with the static Gas station UI development finished, and back end data interface in design. It is expected that the development of Milestone 3 will be finished by the end of July. Website: https://plateye.com/

03 Lato-NFT that Supports Threshold Signature and NFTAuction

Progress: compatibility demonstration of the ATON NFT has been completed with project self-testing and bug fixing in progress. The main functions and documentation acceptance are expected to be completed by the end of this month.

04 PlatON-CLI Java Version

Progress: project repository has been completed: https://github.com/aviland/platoncli-java/tree/develop

05 PlatON Ruby SDK

Progress: the Ruby SDK for PlatON and Alaya have completed development testing, related issues are finalized, and community acceptance staff recruitment is underway. Project repository: https://github.com/viaNull/client-sdk-ruby

06 PlatON Go SDK

Progress: the third phase of work has been completed; the call and operation of built-in contracts have been completed; the development of auxiliary functions such as big number, abi.encoder, abi.decoder have been completed, and the acceptance has been completed. Project repository: https://github.com/aviland/platoncli-java/tree/develop/ Related acceptance reports: https://www.yuque.com/docs/share/fd1047d9-c8fd-47c2-9c89-a9a016bee5b9?#

07 Synthetic Assets Project: Pumo

Progress: The official website information has been perfected, including social platform link access, project introduction, project technology, project team information and other contents. Demo address:

Ecological Progress — — Moliantech aitos.io

On June 24, 2021, as a senior member of the RISC-V International Association and a promoter and leader of the RISC-V ecosystem in China, StarFive Technology held its first Starlight Technology Forum at the International Conference Center of ShanghaiTech University, the same venue of the RISC-V China Summit. aitos.io’s CTO Xu Gang was invited to deliver a presentation themed “BoAT empowers starlight microcomputers to access blockchain services” and a live demo.

On June 23, 2021, “Exploring the Practice and Application of Industrial Blockchain” themed session, jointly organized by Shanghai Industrial Internet Association and Shanghai Shibei Hi-Tech Industrial Park, and sponsored by Shanghai Wanxiang Blockchain, was successfully held in Cloud Cube, Shibei Hi-Tech Industrial Park. Yao Lin, CEO of aitos.io, was invited to a round table discussion on the industrial application scenarios of blockchain.

Publisher:PlatONWorld,Please indicate the source for forwarding:https://platonworld.org/?p=4244

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