Daily View | Monday November 08

The following content is organized and provided by PlatONWorld for the purpose of spreading more information and has nothing to do with PlatONWorld’s position. The content is from a third-party platform, and the accuracy, authenticity, completeness, validity, and real-time nature of the information are not guaranteed.


Total issuanceCirculationPledge rateTotal pledgeNumber of addresses
10,250,000,000 1026,750,000 25.89%  1,198,838,022.88 57,560
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/


Trading pair24 hours high24 hours low24-hour trading volume
Data source: Huobi Exchange

【10 days node data】

November 8 201137114
November 7 201127114
November 6 201127114
November 5 201127114
November 4 201128113
November 3 201147112
November 2 201147112
November 1 201166112
October 31 201167111
October 30 2011610108
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/

【Industry News】

European Central Bank Executive: Cannot completely give way to the private sector in the digital euro space

European Central Bank executive commissioner Fabio Panetta said that the European Central Bank needs to issue a digital euro because measures initiated by the private sector such as the full ceding of space to stablecoins may endanger financial stability and weaken the role of the central bank. The European Central Bank has been working on designing a digital currency that is directly issued by the central bank like cash, but the project may still take about five years to launch a real currency. Panetta said: “Just as stamps have lost many uses with the advent of the Internet and e-mail, cash may also lose its meaning in an increasingly digital economy. If this becomes a reality, it will weaken the central bank’s currency as a currency anchor. History shows that financial stability and the public’s trust in currency require public currency and private currency to be widely used. To this end, the digital euro must be designed to make it attractive to be widely used as a means of payment. At the same time, it prevents it from becoming a successful way to preserve value, causing a run on private currencies and increasing the risk of bank operations.”

Zimbabwe considers using cryptocurrency as a payment method

On November 7th, the government of Zimbabwe is considering the use of cryptocurrency as a legal payment method in order to bridge the gap in cross-border payment capabilities between African countries and other countries. A staff member from a government department said: “Initially we tried to understand the meaning of cryptocurrencies because they are fundamentally different from previously known financial instruments, and people are concerned about cross-border flow of funds, money laundering, externalization of funds, and illegality. There are many concerns about the inflow of funds.” He also mentioned that the country is far from making any major statements because they are still in the negotiation stage. However, according to the country’s Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube, they may not provide cryptocurrency with currency status.

Daily View | Monday November 08


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