PlatONWorld Monthly | April

Article Release

A total of 110 reprinted articles were published, including 60 articles in Chinese and 50 articles in English.

  • Artcle Selections
    《In-depth Analysis | How to provide greater security for sidechain and multi-chain scenarios》 Click to read
    《Crypto Research | Due Diligence & How To Find The Next 10x Token 》Click to read
  • DQtech Serializations
    • Article Column:
      《DDQtechDQtech Column | Learn from DEX about PlatON Application Development – Flutte (II)》Click to read
      《DQtech Column | Learn from DEX about PlatON Application Development – Flutte (III)》Click to read

Summary of Dissemination Content and Channels

《Tips: Create and join ShowMe Club》

AMA | CelerNetwork Series Share – Celer x PlatON

Platform User Coverage has been visited by users from 73 countries. This month, user access records from Hungary, Israel, Panama. were added.

Node Operation

PlatONWorld-PlatON node is running stably, with 12651 blocks out in April and 100% block rate. View Details

100%PlatONWorld-Alaya node is running stably, with 15233 blocks out in April and 100% block-out rate. View Details

May Planning


*Continuously follow up the synchronous reporting of official, community dynamics


*A series of activities of telegraph community AMA and twitter will be carried out successively in May, so stay tuned to PlatONWorld for the latest official news.

PlatONWorld Monthly | April


PlatONWorld — the base of PlatON ecological long-termists!

Welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to PlatONWorld!

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每日速览 | 06月17日 星期四

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