ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

To our lovely ShowMers !In the second half of April, ShowMe continued its roadmap journey and achieved great results!

  • ShowMe has updated the post features and allowed users to publish long articles now;
  • ShowMe has organized multiple AMAs about DAO to discuss the hottest topic recently ;
  • There will be series of events in the upcoming weeks, please stay tuned.

We’ve conducted events on various community platforms and we also surpassed 29,000 followers on Twitter!😎 Finally, we would love to thank the community members, strategic partners and investors for your continuous support! ❤️


1.Long Article Feature

ShowMe has updated the post features and allowed users to publish long articles now. Everyone could follow the tutorial to create your first long article in ShowMe !➡️ Link to the ShowMe tutorial: How to create a long article on ShowMe

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24


1.ShowMe x KNN3

We are glad to announce that ShowMe and KNN3 Network have reached a strategic partnership. KNN3 Network will help ShowMe profile the target users and expand the user base, which allows exposure to a wider audience and strengthens the gateway to NFT and Metaverse world. With this partnership, we look forward to seeing how it evolves into a mutually rewarding meaningful association.➡️ Link to the Twitter original: ShowMe Announces New Partnership With KNN3

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24


1.ShowMe x Metacraft

ShowMe and Metacraft have reached a partnership and Metacraft has distributed 5,000 skin NFTs through the lucky draw event. Over 2.7 million people participated in this event and thanks for all ShowMer’s support ❤️➡️ Link to the Twitter original: Draw your skin, live in Metacraft

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24


1.ShowMe in NFT Art Berlin

Hello from Berlin, ShowMe‘s global team has went to the NFT Art exhibition held in Berlin, there were the greatest NFT art there and ShowMe will continue to develop.

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

2.ShowMe in Amsterdam Hackathon

Hello from Amsterdam, ShowMe will keep spreading our vision to all over the world !➡️ Link to the Twitter original: Meet ShowMe in Amsterdam

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

Community Event

ShowMe held several DAO themed AMAs with dework, SnapFingersDAO, SeeDAO, DAOSquare, DAOrayaki, CodeforDAO etc. There were over 1,000 ShowMers participated in these AMAs 🥳

1.AMA about DAO tools

Over 200 people participated in this AMA to discuss about DAO and its future.➡️ Link to the Twitter original: DAO’s future

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

2.AMA about DAO organization

Over 550 people participated in this AMA to discuss about DAO’s organization.➡️ Link to the Twitter original: Will DAO be the next hot topic

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

3.ShowMe x Hogwarts Labs: The 1st Workshop Sharing

Over 200 people participated in this AMA to discuss about the DAO Tooling Landscape.➡️ Link to the Twitter original: DAO Tooling Landscape

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

4.ShowMe x Meson: Woder Woman Open Panel

Women in crypto is a trendy topic recently. ShowMe will definitely provide more opportunities for the female in crypto industry. Check more for our recruitment: ShowMe, we’re hiring➡️ Link to the Twitter original: Woder Woman

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

5.Meme Contest

ShowMe launched a meme contest, and many people participated in this event. Enter the meme channel of ShowMe Discord to view everyone’s masterpieces.➡️ Link to the Twitter original: ShowMe Meme Contest

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

Upcoming Event

1.FANTASY NFT — A special present from 21 years ago

ShowMe is going to conduct series events with @FANTASYNFT on April 26th

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

2.AMA with Stepn and Keep

ShowMe Bi-Weekly Report: April 11– April 24

Please stay tuned for the upcoming events 🥰

About ShowMe

ShowMe is a subscription NFT social network built on Web3.0 that supports creators to set a variety of subscription methods for entering the Club. In the long run, ShowMe expects to serve creators through excellent products to benefit users by returning data ownership to users.

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