PlatON Bi-Weekly Report | Global Community Buzzes About PlatON 2.0 White Paper, Workshop Developer Training Instructors Continuing to be Recruited

PlatON, initiated and driven by the LatticeX Foundation, is a next-generation Internet infrastructure protocol based on the fundamental properties of blockchain and supported by the privacy-preserving computation network. “Computing interoperability” is its core feature. By building a computing system assembled by Verifiable Computation, Secure Multi-Party Computation, Zero-Knowledge Proof, Homomorphic Encryption and other cryptographic algorithms and blockchain technology, PlatON provides a public infrastructure in open source architecture for global artificial intelligence, distributed application developers, data providers and various organizations, communities and individuals with computing needs.

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report | Global Community Buzzes About PlatON 2.0 White Paper, Workshop Developer Training Instructors Continuing to be Recruited

Technology Advances


  • PlatON underlay version 1.1.1, fully compatible with the Ethernet address format, current progress is in testing, planned to be released and live in October.
  • Mobile wallet ATON planning version 1.1.0, current progress is to complete development and testing, plan to release and launch with PlatON PlatON base layer version 1.1.1 in October; version 1.2.0 is under development, the main feature is to support Ledger hardware wallet.
  • PlatScan version 1.1.1 requirements, currently under testing, planned to go live with PlatON base layer version 1.1.1 release in October.
  • Node management tool version 1.1.1, currently completing development testing, planned to go live with PlatON base layer version 1.1.1 release in October.


  • Alaya underlay version 0.16.1, fully compatible with the Ethernet address format, currently in testing.
  • AlayaScan version 0.16.1, currently in beta testing, scheduled to go live with Alaya Underlay version 0.16.1 in October.
  • Node management tool version 0.16.2, currently completing development testing, scheduled to go live in October with Alaya Base Layer version 0.16.1.

Hardware Wallet

The development of Ledger hardware wallet adapted to PlatON (LAT) 1.0 has been completed, and has been submitted to Ledger official shelf application, has completed the developer mode on the shelf, the official shelf is expected to end of October. 2.0 version of Ledger is under development, mainly supports the commission and pledge and other functions.

Technology development ecology

01 Continuous recruitment of outstanding developers from home and abroad to encourage participation in PlatON/Alaya open source technology work

PlatON Phase 1 developer bounty is ongoing, welcome to participate in PlatON and Alaya GitHub issue fixes (marked as help wanted)

Community contributors are being recruited for the Alaya documentation revamp.

PlatON Workshop developer training instructors are now being recruited.

02 PlatON 2.0 Whitepaper Readings and Sharing

Explore the full picture, the blueprint behind the logo — PlatON 2.0 White Paper Explained
Chinese link:
English link: paper/

Noah’s Ark to Web3 — PlatON 2.0 White Paper Explained
Chinese link:
English link:

Privacy Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence — PlatON 2.0 White Paper
Link in Chinese:
English link: paper/

Privacy computing is breaking down “data silos” — PlatON 2.0 white paper

Market Operations Ecology

Opinions and articles

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report | Global Community Buzzes About PlatON 2.0 White Paper, Workshop Developer Training Instructors Continuing to be Recruited

On October 1, Btcmanager, a leading vertical blockchain media outlet, published a report on PlatON White Paper 2.0, focusing on the development path revealed by the new PlatON white paper and the similarities and differences between the two versions.

Link to article.

PlatON Bi-Weekly Report | Global Community Buzzes About PlatON 2.0 White Paper, Workshop Developer Training Instructors Continuing to be Recruited

On October 13, Cointelegraph, a leading US technology media outlet, wrote an article explaining the content of White Paper 2.0. The article provides a comprehensive explanation of the significance of White Paper 2.0 in guiding the implementation of strong AI technology from PlatON’s industrial planning and technical aspects.

Link to article.

Ecological Advances — Privacy Computing

R&D Progress

Moirae V0.1.0.

Integration with Metis: Synchronised organisation information, Synchronised metadata, Synchronised audit data interfaces completed, Task management related interfaces not yet integrated — 40% progress

Assignment management module development — 50% progress

Workflow drag-and-drop functionality research and technology selection completed

Ecological Advances — Grants

Related Progress

01 PlatEye Blockchain Browser

Progress: Completed front-end and back-end development and co-tuning of DApp module. Contract module completed upload and compile function, waiting for front-end debugging. Bilingual translation of web pages is 80% complete. Delivery is expected to be completed by the end of the month.

02 Lato-NFT with threshold signature and NFT auction support

Progress: Overall acceptance of the first stage passed, relevant product documentation and functional development completed.

03 Synthetic Asset Project: Pumo

Progress: Content confirmation on the official website has been completed, pending completion of the project roadmap and various content updates.
Demo address.

Ecological Advances —

On 28 September, won the second prize in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s 4th “Bloom Cup” 5G Application Competition on the topic of smart finance.

On September 26, was listed as a proposed project for the 2021 Shanghai Science and Technology SME Technology Innovation Funding Program as a technology innovation project incubated and nurtured by Shanghai Caohejing Emerging Technology Development Zone Technology Venture Center Co.

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