Daily View | Thursday June 23

The following contents are organized and provided by PlatONWorld to spread more information and not represent the position of PlatONWorld. The contents are from third-party platforms, and the accuracy, authenticity, completeness, validity, and real-time nature of the information are not guaranteed.


Total issuanceCirculationPledge rateTotal pledgeNumber of addresses
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/


Trading pair24 hours high24 hours low24-hour trading volume
Data source: Huobi Exchange

【10 days node data】

June 23201196151
June 22201196151
June 21201196151
June 20201196151
June 19201196151
June 18201196151
June 17201196151
June 16201197150
June 15201197150
June 14201197150
Data source: https://scan.platon.network/

【Industry News】

Coinbase will Discontinue Coinbase Pro and Launch Advanced Trade During the Year

Coinbase has announced that it will discontinue CoinbasePro and launch AdvancedTrade within the year, enabling users to use lending, DApps and other features within one platform. coinbase said that AdvancedTrade will be available to users worldwide and that its volume-based fees will be the same as CoinbasePro The fees are the same. AdvancedTrade is currently available on PC and Coinbase said it will launch AdvancedTrade on its mobile app in the next few weeks, previously CoinbasePro was a standalone app, while AdvancedTrade is designed to give users access to CoinbasePro’s features in a single app. (Golden Finance)

Ripple Opens Engineering Centre in Toronto to Drive Crypto Innovation

Ripple recently announced the opening of a new office as an engineering hub in Toronto, Canada, Ripple’s first office in Canada, to support its growth in North America and beyond. The office currently plans to hire 50 engineers in Toronto and eventually expand to hundreds of blockchain software engineers, including machine learning application scientists, data scientists and product managers. (businesswire)

Daily View | Thursday June 23


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