PlatONWorld Site Owner Project Recruitment Plan

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| Background is a multilingual, resource-navigating and content-oriented growing community platform for global PlatON and Alaya eco-members and users. PlatONWorld creates a communication channel for global users to quickly learn and understand PlatON and Alaya-related information, and a bridge to quickly participate in eco-applications and events PlatONWorld is also an interactive platform for a community of enthusiasts.PlatONWorld.

Up to now, 3 sites are already online in English, Chinese and Korean. In order to better promote PlatON ecological construction, we hope to recruit subsite operation teams in various languages in the blockchain industry.

| Recruiting requirements

  • This recruitment, for global blockchain enthusiasts, teams or individuals can declare, teams are preferred;
  • Language requirements for recruitment are Japanese, Russian, Spanish, Arabic, French, German, etc.;
  • Understand platform projects and the field of privacy computing;
  • For the applied website, have the basic ability to organize, operate, and expand the scale.

| Application method

Please send the following to: and we will reply within 48 hours.

  • Your team or individual name;
  • Your contact information (mobile phone or email address);
  • Website Application (country name or language);
  • Brief background of the team or individual in the relevant industry.

| Recruiting time

The recruitment cycle lasts for 2 months, from July 1 to August 31, 2021.

| Recruiting process

  • Send the application information to;
  • After screening, PlatONWorld conducts secondary communication and gives a clear reply;
  • Signing of an agreement related to the operation of PlatONWorld’s international website;
  • Planning sub-sites online time, and operation plan.

| Authority and responsibility of the site owner

  • Ensure the basic operation of PlatONWorld subsite, article content distribution and channel proliferation;
  • Build community and provide PlatON related information to regional users;
  • Plan and carry out online and offline activities by cycle or time point;
  • Organize participation in official PlatON event;
  • Sub-site enjoys 100% operating rights, and the operating income belongs to the sub-site.

PlatONWorld is committed to maintain and build PlatON ecology, the final interpretation of this activity belongs to PlatONWorld.

观点 | 我们凭什么敢说LAT会达到千亿市值


PlatONWorld — the base of PlatON ecological long-termists!

Welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to PlatONWorld

PlatONWorld | Official website

PlatONWorld | Telegram

PlatONWorld | WeChat community mcqueen678(Wechat number)

每日速览 | 06月17日 星期四

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