PlatONWorld Monthly | September

The published articles

A total of 112 reprinted articles were published, 60 articles from Chinese website, 50 articles from English website and 2 articles from Korean website.

  • Original selection

Explore the whole picture, the blueprint behind the LOGO — Interpretation of the PlatON 2.0 White Paper Click to read

[REPLAY] PlatON AIR#9 | PlatON Whitep Aper 2.0,How We Enter Web 3.0 Click to read

[REPLAY] PlatON AIR#8 | Building PlatON Privacy Community Together Click to read

[REPLAY] PlatON AIR#7 | How to build a strong community Click to read

  • Community

Community selection – overview of decentralized privacy artificial intelligence network (The technical interpretations of Platon 2.0 ) Click to read

[Platon Ecology – contribution] platoncil-java introduction Click to read

Community selection | following Qianqian to learn software development – full course of PRC 721 NFT is released Click to read

The summary of dissemination content and channels

Explore the whole picture, the blueprint behind the LOGO — Interpretation of the PlatON 2.0 White Paper

[REPLAY] PlatON AIR#9 | PlatON Whitep Aper 2.0,How We Enter Web 3.0 In Chinese

[REPLAY] PlatON AIR#8 | Building PlatON Privacy Community Together In Chinese

[REPLAY] PlatON AIR#7 | How to build a strong community In Chinese

Users of the platform

A total of 52 countries and regions have visited This month, the users from Bangladesh, Lebanon, Argentina, Latvia, Czech Rep, Jamaica and other 6 countries have visited this platform.

Community activity

| 1.Activity | Delegate 100 LAT Getting 100% Benefits

  • Event promotion
  • A total of 1934 addresses were commissioned during the campaign, and 1113 addresses were eligible for the rewards

| 2.Activity | Mid-Autumn Festival Win The Zip Blind Box

  • Event promotion
  • The number of participants during the event 500 +, sending out a total of 60 peripheral and LAT rewards

Node running

  • The PlatONWorld-PlatON node is operating stably, with a block production rate of 100% in September, and a total of 13,970 blocks were produced Click to know more
  • The PlatONWorld-Alaya node is operating stably, with a block production rate of 100% in September, and a total of 23,224 blocks were produced Click to know more

The plan of October


* Continue to follow up and report on official and community trends simultaneously.


*PlatonWorld community events and other joint community activities
*AMA and live streaming and other online activities

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PlatONWorld — the base of PlatON ecological long-termists!

Welcome everyone to continue to pay attention to PlatONWorld

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每日速览 | 06月17日 星期四

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